Social Media Camp
Are you attending Social Media Camp? Not sure if you should? Think you have all the skills you need?
If you own or manage a business, run or volunteer for a non-profit or charity you need to know this stuff and this June 8-9, 2012 you have the opportunity. Even if you don’t feel comfortable with the idea of Social Media or not sure how much time you want to apply to it, this is an event that will help you gain knowledge so that at least you have an idea of what’s happening out there and as you move forward in this “new” (not really anymore) communication channel, you’ll pick-up skills and time saving advice that’s just what the doctored ordered (trust me, the Doc tweeted about it so it must be true).
People are talking out there no matter whether you decide to listen or not. Why not learn how and where you should be listening and hear some stories of real successes and real failures. It doesn’t matter whether your a one person organization or a Corporate Giant, social media is the great equalizer. At Accent Inns we think of Social Media as a comment card on steroids. It gives us the chance to listen to our customers and not yet customers (very important for marketing) and start some real conversations and build real relationships.
Now there’s a lot of folks out there working on and in Social Media. There’s many different software applications and Social Media channels. You’ll also find out that there’s many, many different ideas and opinions out there on how to approach this Brave “New” World. How to “Boldly Go Where No Man”… OK, yes I like Star Trek. My point is Social Media Camp has brought together a whole bunch of folks that really know and live this stuff. They will be speaking not from textbooks but from real life experience. Some of these “presenters” are local Victoria, Vancouver, Pacific Northwest folks and thanks to the organizers, some have been brought in from away, like Erica Ehm. One of the other really cool things about Social Media Camp… you get to meet other folks doing or trying to do the same thing as you. Nuthin better than making friends and contacts who you can relate to, bounce ideas off of, ask questions and start to network with…. “Heh there, what’s your vanity URL” (sounds better if you’re wearing a 1970’s leisure suit)
I’ve personally attended many many seminars and conferences on the subject of Social Media, here in Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, and elsewhere but I can tell you I’ve really enjoyed and learned from my previous attendance at this event. I’m excited and looking forward to this years Social Media Camp in Victoria and if you live anywhere within a bus, ferry or plane ride away, you really should check it out. They have lots of price breakdowns, fun events and even an awards banquet!
Hope to see you there!
John Espley
Business Development Manager
Accent Inns