stay different. stay real.

Have You Made You’re New Year’s Resolution Yet?

December 31st, 2012

As 2012 draws to a close, many of us are starting to make plans for 2013.  The start of a New Year is a great time to set new goals – it’s the reason we make New Year’s Resolutions.

Lose weight: This one is probably the most common resolution.  The holiday season is the hardest time because of the non-stop eating and family celebrations, most of us gain a few extra pounds and as a result we decide to lose those extra pounds in the new  year. So what do we do, we set up a diet plan to eat more healthy by adding more fruits and vegetables, drink more water and of course – exercise.

Exercise: The second most popular new year resolution, whether you decide to join a gym or just to get out there and start walking or jogging every day, this is a great way to kick start a healthier schedule.

Balance the budget – After the over spending during the month of December, we call for a halt to spending and vow to manage our debt more effectively.  At least until Spring, when we need spending money for spring time shopping or that dream vacation.

Quit Smoking – Not an easy one but you will find that your taste buds come alive and food tastes much better – However, it is so easy to drop one vice and pick up another – overeating. Carry chewing gum and drink lots of water – helps the craving.

Spend more time with friends and family – Most of us are so busy rushing around, trying to make ends meet, driving kids to sports etc.  One of the things we try to do is at least one day a week to sit down to dinner with our family. Eating and talking together to catch up on WHAT’S UP – before the months have passed and we haven’t made the effort to see any of our loved ones.

Even if your good intentions don’t succeed at first, don’t give up, there is always FEBRUARY.
Just live your life and have a “HAPPY NEW YEAR”