stay different. stay real.

Paintball 2 the game?

paintball 2 the game

paintball 2 the game

I’m a middle aged (yes, don’t sound so surprised) guy that likes playing the occasional video game. What guy doesn’t? It’s even better when I can hang out with my daughter and play games together. What can my wife say about that…

I must admit though that I’m not up on all the latest (still enjoy my play station 2) games out there so I’m really enjoying our new partner, Skewed & Reviewed.  So much to learn.

This latest entry , Gareth speaks with paint ball legend Greg Hastings.  Legend? I didn’t even know you could play paintball on TV let alone the fact that they had a legend!

Apparently they have over 1000 real players for this latest version including moms (very cool)and  Ninja’s and they make up their own rules? Gotta love the world of online gaming.

Click here to read the full interview with Greg Hastings.