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Charity Valentine’s Dance for Caleb

January 24th, 2011

Caleb Lanz – age 9 – diagnosed with DIPG

Caleb Lanz – age 9 – diagnosed with DIPG

Charity Valentine’s Dance for Caleb

When: February 12th, 2011

7:00 pm – Midnight

Where: At Ellison Community Hall


Caleb Lanz, born and raised in Kelowna, was diagnosed with DIPG, a fatal brain tumour, on January 28, 2010, and we need your support. As a community, we ask that local businesses come together to support Caleb and his family.

Thank you, in advance, to Ok DJ Service for generously donating their services!

Thank you to the amazing community of Kelowna for your generosity!

Your support gives hope to Caleb & his family!

Ddiffuse, scattered throughout his brain

Iintrinsic, lying within his pons

Ppontine, of the pons, part of the brainstem;

responsible for functions, such as

seeing, smiling, walking, talking,

swallowing and breathing.

Gglioma, an aggressive, deadly tumour

Caleb has a rare brain tumour, called DIPG,

that originates in the pons (brainstem) and

spreads, or scatters, throughout the rest of his

brain— like pepper in Jello.

Caleb Lanz – age 9 – diagnosed with DIPG January 28, 2010

DIPG is inoperable and terminal. Most, 90% of children die within the first year of diagnosis while the other 10% die in the second year or just past. Children who receive standard therapy, radiation and chemotherapy, are usually afforded a “honeymoon period” that buys them some time, ‘symptom free’. This period lasts from 3 to 9 months. Then the tumour spreads, symptoms reappear with a vengeance, quickly taking away these kids ability to smile, swallow, walk, talk, see and, eventually, breathe. It’s not an overstatement to say that DIPG smothers these kids with darkness, immobility, silence and, at last, by taking their last, laboured breath.

There is no cure for DIPG. No advancements have been made in over 35 years. Research dollars are poorly managed as so little effort and money goes to paediatric brain cancer research.

About Caleb: Upon diagnosis, Caleb – 8 years old, whisked away from home – kept his feelings to himself, but finally, after two silent, compliant months of daily doses of chemotherapy and radiation, he expressed his fears. With some encouragement, Caleb tentatively said, “I don’t want to spread the sadness”. Well… Sadness, like Joy, Love, Peace and Hope, is meant to be shared. Please give to Caleb. Spread the Love. Bring some Joy to a boy who against all odds fights for his life. We still have Hope. Support Caleb. Give generously to the Charity Valentine’s Dance for Caleb. With the funds raised from this loving event, you can give him Hope and Joy by supporting future treatment options and related expenses, and by growing his Wish List from stuff Caleb could do to dreams come true!

Thank you for Spreading the Love!

Accent Inns are proud to be one of the supporters of this event

To learn more about Caleb’s journey in his fight against DIPG please go to: