Taking the Kids on an Adventure!

Our ducks have written your vacation request! Copy and Paste the below message to your kids’ teachers!

Subject: Taking the Kids on an Adventure!

Dear [Teachers’ Names],

Greetings from the “Tour Guides”! We’re planning a top-secret, covert operation – taking our kids on an epic adventure! They will receive a thorough education on the art of relaxation, road tripping, and all the different ice cream flavors. We promise to bring back a lot of memories and even a cute rubber duck from Accent Inns…maybe we could grab you an extra one if you want?

Feel free to send them with some homework to work on… It’s never too early to start teaching them about a work life balance!

Our little explorers won’t be in class from [start date] to [end date], but they’ll be back before you know it!

Bon voyage,

[Your Name]


stay different. stay real.