Bike Ride with Theatre SKAM
Guest Blogger Max Johnson for Theatre Skam:
The city of Victoria is full of Bike Lovers, and this summer they have a lot of options to get their wheels spinning. The Tour de Victoria will take you around the city, and Bike to Work Week will bring you to your desk. But if you want to pedal into a world of stilt walkers, storytelling and string theory, you’ll have to come to Theatre SKAM’s Bike Ride. Running June 16-17 and 23-24, it’s a unique and off-kilter experience that will make theatre fans out of cyclists – and Bike Lovers out of theatre-goers.
Bike Ride is an annual theatre festival (now in its fourth year) where patrons ride their bicycles on the Galloping Goose Trail; along the way, they experience a series of fresh, fast and fun theatrical performances. An excursion into the trail could have you seeing a dance piece, a storyteller and a comedy – or a monologue, a performance poet and an improvised fairy tale.
Cecilia Ravine Park serves as the event’s central “hub,” where the cyclists depart for their tours. Here patrons can partake in delicious concessions, eco-friendly bike decorations, and even more theatrical amusements and whimsy. Best of all, the entire event is suitable for the whole family – and new for this year, kids 12 and under can ride for free!
Theatre SKAM is very pleased to have Accent Inns as a sponsor this year; true to their name, Accent has helped us add the perfect touches to Bike Ride. Thanks to their support, we were able to bring Lower Mainland artists like TigerMilk Collective aboard to perform. One of the best parts of putting on a festival like Bike Ride is that it gives us the opportunity to employ a great number of diverse, emerging theatre artists; Accent Inns has helped us to do just that. And thanks to Accent’s bike-friendly hotel rooms, we look forward to having out-of-towners take in the uniquely Victorian pleasures of Bike Ride.
So if you want to put a spring in your spokes and really let your hair down (under your helmet), Theatre SKAM promises to give Bike Lovers exactly the Ride they’ve been looking for. And freezies. Can’t forget those.
You can learn more about Bike Ride at