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The Five Hottest Games To See at PAX East

PAXPAX East is taking place April 11th-13th in Boston, and a massive wave of fandom is sure to follow.

The convention developed from the widely popular PAX Prime in Seattle and gives fans located on the East coast a chance to experience all the greatness that comes from this gaming convention. There is also a PAX convention in Melbourne Australia for fans in the Asia theater.

Some die hard fans do not let a little thing like geography get in their way and they have been known to travel across oceans/continents to attend the show.  Some eyebrows were raised when industry heavyweights such as Sony, Nintendo, EA, Sega, and others opted out of appearing at PAX east, but with a later start date and in between the recently completed Game Developers Conference and the pending E3, perhaps many are simply polishing up their items for a big reveal later.

That is not to say there will not be an abundance of developers at the show as many indie developers as well as large companies will be showing off their latest and greatest.

With that in mind, here is a list of the five hottest games to watch for from this years show.

evolveEvolve – Publisher 2K

From the makers of Left 4 Dead, this four player game casts players as a team stalking deadly creatures on an alien planet. With a mix of energy weapons, shields, and more, players will need all they have in order to save the day as big and dangerous things lurk ahead.


blizzardHeroes of the Storm – Publisher Blizzard

Blizzard will be showing of their eagerly anticipated game that allows players to combine characters from their three big franchises, Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft, in an all out battle.

We saw a trailer at Blizzcon last year and loved the graphics, action, and humor and the fact that this game is going to be free to play will undoubtedly draw in the fans.

watchdogWatch Dogs – Publisher Ubisoft

The trailer looks amazing and the online buzz on the game has been constant since it’s reveal and subsequent delays. There has been much focus on the graphics of the game and how good they will be, but this open-world game that lets players decide on helping/harming people and gives them the ability to hack and  control all types of electronics from ATM machines to police barricades and train lights has the public’s curiosity and interest at a high level.

wolfensteinWolfenstein: The New Order – Publisher Bethesda/Zenimax

The intriguing premise of the game is that the Nazis won World War II and in a post war London of the 60s, series icon B.J. Blazkowicz returns to save the day. Powered by the Id Tech 5 engine that gave RAGE such as dynamic look, expect this game to take the best elements of the series to a new level including facing off against mechanical enemies and the most evil Nazi creations ever imagined.

TEW_profileThe Evil Within –
Publisher Bethesda/Zenimax

The game has been teased in trailers but this time our staffer will be getting up close and personal with the game.  Director Shinji Mikami who created the Resident Evil series has crafted a new survival horror game that follows a detective who while responding to a gruesome crime scene finds himself surrounded by deadly and evil creatures in order to survive.

We will have a full report following the show from Justin Smith who will be on hand and expect plenty of pictures and more to follow next week.

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Garth von Kallenbach  Skewed & Reviewed